Sorry guys! I kind of forgot about this website for a while and havent been doing any updates. But that doesnt mean there hasnt been a lack of skateboarding. About a month ago (actually a month from today according to youtube) I threw this little video together that has the majority of footage shot for YEAHDUDE in it. YEAHDUDE is basically dead in the water, but I really want to try and get some type of video together soon.
In other news, Sunday put out their 3rd video titled "Whatever the Weather" a bit over a month ago. If you didnt get a chance to see it, dont worry, they now are selling it over on their website. Below is Jake and Dans part from the video. Definitely worth a watch (or twelve).
I just recently had an old roll of film developed, and plan on putting some of those photos on here within the next couple days. The weather is starting to turn so get as much skating in as possible!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday Video/YEAHDUDE news
Hey guys. As you've already learned, I slack pretty hard with these updates, but hey, it could be worse? Anyways, if you werent living under a rock then you would of been at the SundayBuffalo premier of their video Whatever the Weather. If you missed out, then you suck, but dont worry, they will for sure be selling copies within the next few weeks. Andy and everyone did and awesome job with the video, it was absolutely perfect. If you look close enough, youll even see a cameo from myself and Colored Horses homie Steve Golonka.
In YEAHDUDE news, there has been a bit of a change of plans on how the video will be done. Originally we were going to a full length video with full parts from myself, James Ravage, Bobby Borton, and Kyle Rogers. Well with James working a ton, Bobby and Kyle not skating as much, and I have the opportunity to film for a seperate video, this video has been changed into more of a big montage video. We are going to keep filming, but the video will be more in the style of SOGNAR, which was an all iPod filmed video by my buddy Wes Adamski. Let me assure YEAHDUDE will still be happening! Soon enough it will come out..maybe. Keep skating, and keep enjoying the weather! We all know what is about to come in a few months..
In YEAHDUDE news, there has been a bit of a change of plans on how the video will be done. Originally we were going to a full length video with full parts from myself, James Ravage, Bobby Borton, and Kyle Rogers. Well with James working a ton, Bobby and Kyle not skating as much, and I have the opportunity to film for a seperate video, this video has been changed into more of a big montage video. We are going to keep filming, but the video will be more in the style of SOGNAR, which was an all iPod filmed video by my buddy Wes Adamski. Let me assure YEAHDUDE will still be happening! Soon enough it will come out..maybe. Keep skating, and keep enjoying the weather! We all know what is about to come in a few months..
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Whatever the Weather!
Well its been 3 years in the making now, but the guys at Sunday did it. Friday, August 19th at Soundlab, "Whatever the Weather", Sundays third video premiers. Doors are at 8, video is at 9. Be sure to get there early!! The place only holds about 250 people and it will be sure to get full quick. Everyone has worked so hard on this and from what i've heard, its pretty mindblowing. See you next Friday!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Whatever the Weather bonus segment 3
I hope everyone is killing it this summer! Alot of skating has been happening, and definitely some filming too. I cant say too much for a release on YEAHDUDE, but we are looking at late fall...
Anyways, if you havent been living under a rock, then you know the Sunday guys have been filming for their new video titled "Whatever the Weather" for the past 3 or so years, and its actually just about done. There still isnt a date yet, but something tells me its coming sooner than you may think.... In the mean time though, my friend and awesome dude Andy Maholsic put together another great bonus montage with footage not being used in the video. Watch on repeat and get out there and kill it!
Anyways, if you havent been living under a rock, then you know the Sunday guys have been filming for their new video titled "Whatever the Weather" for the past 3 or so years, and its actually just about done. There still isnt a date yet, but something tells me its coming sooner than you may think.... In the mean time though, my friend and awesome dude Andy Maholsic put together another great bonus montage with footage not being used in the video. Watch on repeat and get out there and kill it!
Whatever the Weather Bonus Segment #3 from Andy Maholsic on Vimeo.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Fort Erie park!
Hey guys. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as I have been. The crew has been doing a ton of skating, and slowly is beginning to get some clips for YEAHDUDE. If you havent already heard, right over the peace bridge in Fort Erie, lies an awesome brand new cement park. Its litearlly a 15 minute drive from the shop, so naturally all the dudes down there have been going to it quite often. My buddy and fellow filmer/editor/pro grip tape applier, Andy Maholsic has been releasing a ton of web videos lately, including 3 from the Fort Erie park! Andy is a super awesome dude, and is very talented with the camera, and to go with that is some awesome skating also. So check out some videos below, and keep enjoying the sun!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Photo blast 1
Hey guys! Sorry I havent updated this in a while, been really busy skating and such. If you didnt make it to our jam last sunday than you missed out! We had a ton of fun, ate alot of food, and most importantly, skated all day. Im thinking of doing another later on, so stay tuned.
Anyways, if you dont know by now, my buddy Andrew Gritzmacher has bee coming on all the skate missions lately, and been taking some digital and film pics. This first blast all digital. Click to enlarge, enjoy!
Anyways, if you dont know by now, my buddy Andrew Gritzmacher has bee coming on all the skate missions lately, and been taking some digital and film pics. This first blast all digital. Click to enlarge, enjoy!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
a DELUXE skate jam
For those of you who came and knew about last years jam, you would then know that Sunday and Elwood clothing were kind enough to sponsor it and help hook up some product for it. This year, Deluxe Distribution has stepped in and agreed to hook up the jam with some stuff to psych out the kids and others. If you havent been living under a rock then you would know that DLX consists of Real, Spitfire, Thunder, Anti-Hero, and Krooked. I have been supporting Deluxe for years now and am beyond psyched about this! So get ready, June 19th is coming sooner than you think!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dunkirk in HD
My buddy Andy from Sunday Skateshop just put up this video of some of the Buffalo heads skating the free Dunkirk park. Its a fun little video to start of the summer skating season, and has some really cool clips in it! And to mention its also shot in all HD! Check it below!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Photo Blast
Saturday, May 14, 2011
2011 Skate Jam!

I posted this on facebook already, but now you can see it here! The annual 2011 Summer Skate Jam will be at the Carruthers Ledgespot this year,and starts at 1pm. The day is Sunday, June 19th. No rain dates have been set yet, but its still a while away. Be sure to not miss it! If you were at last years jam then you know how fun it is! More will be posted as time goes on.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
quick update
Hey guys. As you know, spring is finally here (even showing small hints of summer..?), and the skate season is underway. My good buddy and NT skateboarding "alumnist" Jake Kedzierski, was back in town last week, and stopped by Carruthers to skate with myself and Hammer. Like usual, he had his cameras and what not with him and got a couple shots off.

In other news, there has been talk of another Summer skate jam like that of last years in June...Not too much has been decided, but the date of JUNE 19TH has been tossed around. More updates on that soon.

In other news, there has been talk of another Summer skate jam like that of last years in June...Not too much has been decided, but the date of JUNE 19TH has been tossed around. More updates on that soon.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Building begins..again
Hey guys. With spring pretty much about here, and summer on the way, that means that its time to begin building up the Carruthers ledgespot again. This past saturday myself and some guys went over there and cleaned up everything, and even began to rebuild the bills ledge (Hammer and I underestimated it and didnt get enough blocks). The parking block ledge is back up right now also. Rest assured more and more building will be happening within the next month or so, and definitely expect to see some new things this summer, we have alot of ideas in store..enjoy the weather!

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Xtreme Wheels 2 (via BUFLOW)
Hey guys, sorry about the lack of updates. Let me asure you there's good reason to it though...Anyways, my buddy JON PLARR has been filming for this xtreme-wheels montage for the last few months of winter, and just dropped it last night. As always, Jons videos are super awesome, and this one serves no exception. Jon killed it with this! Watch it below, and see if you can spot 1:)my trick in it 2:)the trick I filmed in it. enjoy!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunday turns 6!
Can you believe they have been open for 6 years now(april 1st, officially)? Since day one, they have been supporting the skateboard scene in Buffalo, and standing by the same philosophy that everyone should be behind. Sunday is more than just skateboarding, it's a family, and I'm glad to say I am a part of something so positive and great. So hats off to you JP,and anyone and everyone who stands behind them. Happy 6 and many more!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011
If you are anything like me, then this is something you have been waiting anxiously for a long time now. I knew Sunday was premiering this for a while now, but the date is finally set. MARK YOUR CALENDARS EVERYONE! APRIL 11th at SOUNDLAB. 8pm. Admission to get in is a 2$ - 5$ donation (in which ALL funds go to the Jonny Kicks Cancer fund). Buffalos own Jake Donnelly is going to have his first standout part in this, and from what I have heard, his part is absolutely insane. Along with Jake, is the rest of the Real team, including Justin Brock, Pete Ramondetta, Chima Ferguson, Dennis Busenitz and many more. Do not miss this!! This is one of the most anticipated videos in years!
This is going to be jam packed, so it wouldnt hurt to show up a bit early..
This is going to be jam packed, so it wouldnt hurt to show up a bit early..

Monday, March 21, 2011
Happy Spring!
Hey guys! My apologies on not updating this lately. Since spring is officially here, the crew and myself have all been out skating as much as possible, just trying to grind off the winter rust and get the ball back rolling again. Let me assure you though that the Colored Horses Full Length Video is officially underway. Keep checking back for occasional video and photo updates.
In other news, I recently obtained an iPhone and have been posting random pictures on my flickr. They arent all skate related, but definitely expect to see some skateboarding stuff sooner or later.
In other news, I recently obtained an iPhone and have been posting random pictures on my flickr. They arent all skate related, but definitely expect to see some skateboarding stuff sooner or later.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
jake kedzierski and dirt part 2
If you were an avid follower on the old HR media blog, you wouuldve seen a post with some old skate clips out of NT. The guy who threw that together is a buddy of mine, and NT native, Jacob Kedzierski. Recently, he put up the sequel to the video that him and his crew made back in the early-mid 90's, titled DIRT. If you arent from NT this may have no value to you, but its a cool watch none the less!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
First nice day of the year!
Finally! Spring gave us a little teaser today, and pretty much all pavement was dry. Not taking this for granted, james, myself, kyle and bobby all went out to the farmers market, set up a couple things and skated. The below video is the result of that. What a great way to start off the new year! Watch it in HD for extra awesome
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
weekend dan

Hey guys, hopefully the winter hasn't been getting to you too hard, spring is kind of soon..Anyways, last week I skated the ramp with some guys, of course everyone was killing. But, Dan Loughery in specific was on another level. Naturally, I went home and did the american thing and added him on facebook, and while lurking around I noticed that he does some super rad art. In fact, I thought it was so rad that I decided to buy a couple prints from him. Long story short, Dan kills it on and off a skateboard, and his art is way awesome, and way cheap. Buying a few prints would be a solid idea..check him out.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
NY Skateboarding
If your anything like me, then when your not out skating, your surfing the internet, reading up on skateboarding blogs, videos and what not. is one of those sites that I visit relatively often, and rightfully so! The dudes who run this post up a ton of cool NY skateboarding related videos, photos, events and more. They even posted our banner for our pretty successful june 13th ledgespot jam, and even more recently, Colored Horses was added to their list of NY media blogs. Thanks NY Skateboarding! Keep doing it right.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Some lost TCP
You know when I start uploading old footage that it usually means im becoming desperate on the video updates, but this time I was only somewhat desperate. I looked through a few of my old TCP tapes (I have about 12 of them, spanning 9 months let me remind you), and these two never before seen clips popped out instantly. Watch and enjoy. Spring is just around the corner!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
quick update
If you subscribe to me on youtube, or maybe my facebook friend, you may have seen me post up a couple test videos for the new HD camera. So far its looking really nice. With a new camera, comes a new fisheye also, which ive recently ordered. So expect not only better edited videos this year, but way better quality. You've never seen Colored Horses quite like this..
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