So if you havent noticed lately, the weather is taking quite the turn. Its been getting cold, rainy, windy, and the worst part, darker. These are the times when you need to find a well lit skatespot, and pack extra layers..(check out the newly remodeled high school, way fun).
Anyways,filming for the Caruthers fall montage is soon to be wrapping up, and so far its looking like its going to be one of our best yet. At the same time, filming for YEAHDUDE! is in full force also, expect a trailer for that by hopefully Thanksgiving.
In other news, Sunday recently premiered the new
Habitat and
Krook3d videos, and if you werent there, you certainly missed out. Be sure to go by the shop and pick up a copy of each, you wont be disapointed.
Keep checking back to the site and hang in there, the best has yet to come...or worst? time will tell.